Everyone is out to get you
Your world is full of woe
That driver cut you off!
This line is way too slow!
When you walk down the mall
Noone will get out of the way!
When you post on Facebook,
You have nothing nice to say.
It seems that in your little head
You believe this to be true:
There is the entire universe
And at its centre, you.
I am sorry to inform you
That this is not the case
And everyone else in this world
Is entitled to some space.
The next time you feel rage building
And you're about to blow your stack,
Try a smile on your face
And cut the world some slack.
My other small suggestion,
When you want to fling some crap,
Instead of saying something negative,
Kindly shut your yap.
6 years ago
I love love this new blog of yours!!!!