Today I wanted to write something silly,
About some kind of food, maybe tacos with chile,
My bright yellow grapefruit, my chocolate cranberries,
Or delicious and creamy tubs of Ben and Jerry's.
Instead, this morning, I had quite a start,
A small incident that frightened my heart,
My wee little baby, of only months nine,
(and, don't worry! He really is fine!)
While I was folding my big laundry jumble,
He found some stairs, and took quite a tumble.
We have a half bath, down stairs numbered four,
The bathroom has a sliding pocket-type door.
We have a gate on the stairs at the top,
Baby falls it's designed to stop.
My husband was downstairs, you can guess why,
And it seems that the gate was slightly awry,
It was shaken by a boy who is two,
When it was open, he promptly went through.
I heard a "Hi Bud!" and quickly looked over,
To see a wee babe try to follow his brother.
As he crawled through the gate, his hand landed on air,
And end-over-end he fell down the stairs.
I yelled a bad word, and leapt to my wee guy,
Who was rather startled, and starting to cry.
I managed to calm him, but my heart was racing,
He was already happy, while I was him embracing.
I talked to my older, and I tried to convey,
That he wasn't in trouble, and Bubs was okay,
But the gate needed to be closed, I spoke to his frown,
So that his little brother wouldn't fall down.
My baby is fine, and he soon was playing,
I am sure my hair has a lot more greying.
So my poem today is not about food,
And the rhyming is not very good.
Hopefully, tomorrow, I can be more fun,
And now this terrible poem here is done.
6 years ago
I love it :)