Feb 8th
Breakfast tragedy
I cut the toast the wrong shape.
Triangles, not squares.
OK Go Song Stuck
In my head, infinite loop
When the morning comes...
Feb 9th
Out of house all day
I did miss you, internet
Did you miss me much?
Feb 10th
Quart jar of coffee
You are so delicious
Might need a gallon
Stupid garbage trucks
No Parking sign now missing
From beside garage.
Discovered how to
Distract Damon from laptop
Animal Crackers
Feb 11th
Yay insomnia
Finally got Bubs to sleep
Can't turn off my brain.
This one was published at 4:20 AM
Spin class will be fun
Two and a half hours of sleep
Some dark roast might help?
Challenging spin class
Singing helps to pass the time
Warren's not a fan
Feb 12th
Three cute bedhead boys
Clustered around the table
Peach pancakes breakfast
Movie night with Dan
Some nineties nostalgia
Empire Records
Feb 13th
Did housework today
Laundry, dishes, parenting,
Instead of haikus.
Feb 14th
Happy Valentine's
Wear red and eat chocolate
Lots of love to you.
Halfway through the month
Are Haikus annoying yet?
Fifteen days to go.
Damon won't be fooled
Vanilla yogurt disguise
Totally did fail.
Week One
6 years ago