Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yeah, that was me.

I read a site,
(well, I read a few)
This one tells some parents,
To S T F U.

I admit that I worry,
I don't want to find,
My inane Facebook updates,
With comments unkind.

I try my best not to post,
Things that might make you sick,
Like vomit, blood, poop,
Or a genital pic.

I try to be funny,
Stay on the light side,
Give an upbeat impression,
And not be cranky or snide.

I ended up on the site!
But not for being crass,
I'm just in the thread,
A sarcastic smartass.

Still, I will strive,
Try to keep my clue,
So I won't need to be told:
Hey, S T F U.

1 comment:

  1. you are too the centre of the universe!!!!!
