A friend told me about another "friend" who got slapped by karma. This is for my friend.
I will admit,
I laughed when I heard
About your misfortune,
You wee little turd.
I suppose I should show,
A little compassion,
Some sympathy, empathy,
Something of that fashion.
But you treat me like garbage.
Heap on abuse,
And think you can treat me,
However you choose.
Your actions have consequences,
And karma's a bitch.
And so here I snigger,
At your life's little glitch.
Sadly, I do know,
That my inappropriate glee,
Will result in said karma
Bitch-slapping me.
But for now it is worth it.
I'll give a chuckle hearty,
And continue on,
With my smug little party.
6 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love this!! :)