Monday, January 30, 2012

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

I read something that may or may not have been related to my previous poem, and it was not flattering.  Since I thought I had one whole reader, I am going to assume it was a coincidence.  If it was not a coincidence, well, there is a definite mis-communication which I am going to do my best to address once I get my thoughts together.  So without furthur ado...

I am a grown up
But sometimes take time,
Before I will speak
What's on my mind.

I like to take stock,
Sort out my thinking,
Then I will reply,
Without it stinking.

I am quick to anger,
And to take offense,
I used to reply with haste,
And aggressive defence.

Now I try to calm down,
And approach with respect,
So I can pick the right words,
And phrases correct.

In the meantime,
I write poems to vent,
My verse not intended
To cause dissent.

My rhymes are just silly,
Though I'm no Dr. Seuss,
I mean no disrespect with
These poems I produce.

I write to force my brain
Out of its stupor,
And post them for my BFF
Who thinks they are super.


  1. i do think they are super!!!!!!!!!

    *i am not your only reader????*

  2. I thought you were my only reader, except on days you link to them on your board! My stats show pretty much Russian spam sites.
