Monday, April 30, 2012

It was next to the register...

Somewhat impulse buy
Fully loaded Durango
Most people choose gum.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


A friend told me about another "friend" who got slapped by karma.  This is for my friend.

I will admit,
I laughed when I heard
About your misfortune,
You wee little turd.

I suppose I should show,
A little compassion,
Some sympathy, empathy,
Something of that fashion.

But you treat me like garbage.
Heap on abuse,
And think you can treat me,
However you choose.

Your actions have consequences,
And karma's a bitch.
And so here I snigger,
At your life's little glitch.

Sadly, I do know,
That my inappropriate glee,
Will result in said karma
Bitch-slapping me.

But for now it is worth it.
I'll give a chuckle hearty,
And continue on,
With my smug little party.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Damon.

Today was the birthday
Of my wee son,
His very first birthday,
Indeed, he turned one.

The year went so quickly,
Zoomed by so fast,
My tiny small babe
Exists in the past.

I feel like I missed
His babyhood brief,
Just trying to function,
Dealing with grief.

The months and the days
How they have flown,
A bittersweet smile,
For this happy milestone. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Not an excuse

Life has been stressful
Life has been busy
Some family drama,
Relative in a tizzy.

Road trip from hell,
Through rain, night and snow,
Exhausted my spirit,
Made me feel low.

Sorting through my
Deceased relative's junk.
Has left me depressed
Trapped in a funk.

Purging my house,
Throwing out clutter,
Cleaning and sorting,
With the help of my mother.

All the above saps
My poetic motivation.
Stressed out and run down,
With no concentration.

I pray for serenity,
Exercise assists,
One thing at a time,
I cross off my lists.

Now I can sleep,Since I sat down and wrote,
Some time to myself,
I can devote.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yes, this is it.

Haircut Day!
Ran five K!
Fist pump, high five!
Shout hooray!

Life has been stressful and busy.  I will try a better effort tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Need another solution

I decided to fix the problem written about here.

I had a notepad
And pen on bedside table
Stolen by small boy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Before the Chaos

All the boys are upstairs
Snuggled in their beds,
Perhaps dreams of truck and cars,
Swirling in their heads.
I'm downstairs, all alone.
With a coffee, brewed intense.
Sun-dappled curtains are my view.
I'm savouring the silence.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Productivity Approaching Zero.

I have a new iPhone,
It's black and shiny.
I didn't want one.
I was a bit whiny.

We had blackberrys,
I loved BBM
And my keyboard with buttons,
Easy to press them.

Now to this small screen,
I'm stuck like cement.
How addicting it is,
Much to my embarrassment.

I can Draw Something!
Play Words With Friends!
Facebook, the weather,
See new Twitter trends!

I'm tracking my diet,
(Female stuff, too).
Oh, is there anything
This great iPhone won't do?

Although I protested,
Would I want one?  I doubt it.
Now it seems that
I can't be without it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Firsts (Haikus)

First day of preschool.
It was hard on both of us
I think I cried more.

Left Bubs in childcare
He was completely okay
I was more stressed out

Restarted running
Yes, again! Did laps of track.
Felt good afterwards.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


My house is a disaster,
It's so full of clutter,
I have developed a twitch
And am starting to mutter.

I have made a large plan,
Of how to attack,
This disgusting mess,
To get my space back.

I created a schedule,
For getting things clean,
So I don't get overwhelmed,
By the amount obscene.

Because I am cleaning,
And parenting two boys,
I don't have much time,
For playing with toys.

My shiny bright laptop,
Stays closed most of the time,
Which does not give me a chance,
To come up with a rhyme.

I still think it's important,
To create and to write,
So I will try to post,
Before bedtime each night. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Have my first iPhone
Learning all the apps is fun
Super time sucker.